Position adhesive features: Specially used in the feminine sanitarynapkins, with high peel positioning performance for all back sheet whetherapplied for transfer slot or direct spray. ...
Elastic adhesive features: For the leg and waistband, which has amore elastic nature to hold materials as they are being stretched, it also hashigher bonding strength and it is general...
Construction adhesive isfor thebacksheet and non wovens, it has strong adhesive performance to ensure coreintegrity and also high bonding strengths and excellent wet peel. There is dif...
Knitted frontal tape is widely used for baby diaper. It has the following features, 1. It is softer 2. Build secure closure system 3.Highly adhesive, colourful...
SMMS hydrophobic non woven, because of their waterproof and breathable properties, are especially suitable for the sanitary material market, such as sanitary napkins, sanitary pads, bab...
Email: info@whldiapernonwoven.com
MP/WhatsApp: +86-13599937366
Manufacturer Address:Room 1105B, Bld M1, Manhattan, Yulongwan, Shimao, Shuanglong Road, Meiling Street, Jinjiang, Fujian, China