Is It Normal For Diapers To Have Construction Adhesive?

Author:Baby & Adult Diaper Materials FROM:Diaper Materials Manufacturer TIME:2023-03-02

1. Construction adhesive for diaper

Generally speaking, diapers are composed of three main parts: the surface wrapping layer, the absorbing core layer and the base cloth. In addition, there are base film, waist tape, construction adhesive, elastic rubber, elastic waist, etc. . Therefore, it is normal for diapers to contain construction adhesive.

construction glue

A. The surface wrapping layer of diapers is basically made of non woven fabric. The non woven fabric can discharge moisture and heat, effectively reducing the occurrence of eczema, and the non woven fabric is very soft and will not be harmful to the baby's skin. generate any stimulus.

B. The absorbent core layer of diapers is generally made of fluff pulp and super absorbent polymer powder material, and construction adhesive is used to fix the connecting part. The core layer is used to absorb and store urine and disperse urine. It can be Keep your baby's bottom dry for a while.

structure adhesive

C. For the base cloth part of diapers, some are made of non woven fabric that are more comfortable (more common in foreign countries), and some are made of PE film (most common in China).

2. Non toxic construction adhesive

Among them, the super absorbent polymer powder is the polymer material we often say, that is, the water absorbent beads in the diaper, and construction adhesive is also used to fix the connecting part, and the super absorbent polymer powder can be divided into three types. One is polyacrylic acid based super absorbent polymer powder , the other is starch based super absorbent polymer powder,and the other is cellulose based SAP. It is a non-toxic and harmless polymer, and its water absorption and storage capacity are very good, so it is often used in sanitary products.

construction adhesive

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