Water Repellent Finishing Process Of Waterproof Fabric For Nappies

Author:Baby & Adult Diaper Materials FROM:Diaper Materials Manufacturer TIME:2023-05-06

1. Water-repellent finishing process

In the water-repellent finishing process of waterproof fabric for nappies, it is necessary to consider the fiber characteristics, the properties of the finishing liquid, and the baking temperature, time and other process parameters. The post-finishing of non-woven substrates with silicone and organic fluoropolymer emulsions is to cover the emulsion on the surface of the fibers. When the fibers and emulsion particles are oppositely charged, the two are easy to contact and adsorb, otherwise, contact and adsorption are difficult. And the uniformity is not good, it is difficult to achieve the desired finishing effect. Second, the pH value in the solution affects the electrical potential of the fiber surface and the stability of the emulsion itself. When finishing with silicone, the emulsion is controlled at weak acidity, which improves the stability of the emulsion.

waterproof fabric for diapers

2. Process flow

The general water-repellent finishing process of waterproof fabric for nappies is:

Prepare finishing working solution non-woven fabric is treated with finishing solution drying baking water-repellent material.

According to the durability of the finishing effect, it can be divided into two types: durable water-repellent finishing and non-durable water-repellent finishing:

(a) Aluminum soap method: It is not durable finishing, but the cost is low and the processing is convenient.

One-bath method

Preparation of emulsion (aluminum acetate + paraffin wax soap emulsion) padding (20g/L, pH=5, room temperature or 55 degrees Celsius ~ 70 degrees Celsius) drying

Two-bath method

Preparation of emulsion padding drying padding (aluminum acetate solution) drying

waterproof fabric for nappies

(b) Durable water-repellent finishing

Waterproofing agent AE: a mixture of stearic acid and amino resin initial shrinkage product and paraffin wax emulsion. Methyl ether can react with cellulose or polycondense itself.

Padding (pH=4.5~5.5)dryingbaking


Organosilicon: The new waterproof agent is generally linear polysiloxane. Water-repellent, durable softener that improves tear strength and is processed in organic solvents or as an emulsion.

Padding (silicone emulsion) drying baking

waterproof fabric

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