What Are Diapers Raw Materials?

Author:Baby & Adult Diaper Materials FROM:Diaper Materials Manufacturer TIME:2023-03-06

The birth of a baby brings a lot of joy to the family and as babies are an important part of the family, every item chosen for them has to be carefully selected. There are many different types of nappies on the market today and a poor choice can cause great harm to a baby's bottom. So, what are diapers raw materials made of?

1. What are diapers raw materials?

A. Diapers are a common daily item for babies, and are a generic term for diapers, nappies and pull-ups. Dry nappies keep babies sleeping through the night and are commonly known as 'nappies' because of their high absorbency.

B. Highly absorbent resins (polymer SAP for short) are the best material for making baby nappies, which are made from starch and acrylic salts as the main raw materials.

C. Basic introduction

Highly absorbent resins (SAP for short) are excellent for the manufacture of baby nappies, which are made from starch and acrylates as the main raw materials. The outstanding feature of "nappies" is that they absorb and hold a surprisingly large amount of water. It absorbs saline 40 to 60 times its own weight and pure water 50 to 100 times its own weight. So children don't have to worry about wetting their trousers when they pee, the urine that comes out will all be "drunk" by it, commonly known as "diapers".

 diapers raw materials

2. Origin of diapers raw materials

A. In 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Gagarin was about to step into the launch module when he felt the urge to urinate and had to come down and urinate out through the tube of his space suit; in the same year, American astronaut Shepherd, who was delayed in launching his spacecraft, also suffered from urinary urgency and was ordered by his commander to urinate in his space suit.

B.80s, the "father of space suits" Chinese Tang Xinyuan to solve the problem of astronauts urination, improved the space suit, adding polymer absorbers, invented a paper diaper can absorb 1,400 ml of water, pee only then is no longer a problem for astronauts. The technology was later transferred to civilian use and is now used in millions of households as "diapers".

 raw material diapers

3. diapers raw materials - highly absorbent resins

A. Highly absorbent resins are newly developed functional polymeric materials that contain strong hydrophilic groups and have a certain degree of cross-linking. Previously used absorbent materials such as paper, cotton and linen had an absorption capacity of only 15 to 40 times their own weight (deionised water, hereinafter the same), and their water retention capacity was also quite poor. These resins are insoluble in water and organic solvents and can absorb hundreds to thousands of times their own weight in water, and are so water-retentive that they do not squeeze out even when pressurised. The industrial production capacity of highly absorbent resins is expanding, and they are widely used in the medical and health care, construction materials, environmental protection, agriculture, forestry and food industries.

B. Properties:

1. High water absorption: it can absorb hundreds or thousands of times its own weight of non-ionic water.

2. High water absorption rate: each gram of highly absorbent resin can absorb hundreds of grams of non-ionic water within 30 seconds.

3. High water retention: the water is not easily squeezed out of the absorbent gel even under applied pressure.

4. High swelling: the volume of the highly absorbent resin gel expands hundreds of times immediately after absorption.

5. Ammonia absorption: The low cross-linked polyacrylate type highly absorbent resin contains carboxyl anions in its molecular structure, which can be absorbed by ammonia and has an obvious deodorising effect.

raw material of diaper

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